
Grand Final

  • 1
    That we believe the application of postcolonial frameworks to the Israel-Palestine conflict has done more harm than good
  • 2
    That we oppose the planned Kenyan intervention in Haiti
  • 3
    That we regret Ukraine's introduction of the language law
  • Round 3

  • 1
    That we prefer two-party systems to multi-party systems in developing democracies
  • 2
    That we should compel political parties to make binding pre-election promises as to what coalitions will be formed for different election outcomes
  • 3
    That we believe apoliticality is immoral
  • Round 2

  • 1
    That governments should obtain a majority stake in companies that they bail out
  • 2
    That countries from the global South should prioritise alternative financing institutions (e.g. the Asian Development Bank) as opposed to more traditional financing institutions (e.g. the World Bank and IMF)
  • 3
    That we should ban large corporations from paying ransom demands after they have been hacked
  • Round 1

  • 1
    That we should open all borders
  • 2
    That we regret the narrative of love (romantic, familial, etc) requiring sacrifice
  • 3
    That the gay rights movement should not support the institution of marriage